v0.5 - Refactor menus

This update took way longer than it should have... Doing menus is always boring (specially when you are pretty much fighting your tools to make things behave as desired).

I modified every menu to use a custom controller that better suits my needs and style. This controller could theoretically use rebind-able inputs, however if the user were to remap the inputs in a way that the menus became impossible to navigate, I would need a panic button to reset those inputs... In the end, I decided against rebind-able menu inputs for simplicity's sake (and laziness).

Other than that, instead of automatically advancing to the next level, or reloading on death, the game now displays a short message and waits for user input. The game also finally detects if the player fell out-of-bounds, so users will only need to press 'Reset' if they feel like they've made a wrong move.

Finally, although this update was supposed to be only about menus, I ended up adding a small QoL change. If the player falls from a ledge, they will automatically grab onto a lower ledge, if there's any. This isn't intentionally used anywhere, but user's may find this helpful...

Interactive options

You may invert the camera from the options menu. However, as far as I know there isn't a agreed upon "default" camera settings. So what I called "Normal" and "Invert" may be the opposite of what users expected. Because of that, I've added a demo scene to the options menu so you may play around with the camera.

I've done the same in the rebind inputs menu, so users may test the configured inputs.

I must admit that it was partially inspired from what I've heard of FF VII: Remake, that does this for the camera configuration.


  • Break fall on ledge, if possible
  • Display message on level complete and death
  • Refactor menus so they may be solely controlled by keyboard/gamepad


mystery-tower-linux64.zip 24 MB
Version v0.5 Jun 06, 2020
mystery-tower-win32.zip 21 MB
Version v0.5 Jun 06, 2020
mystery-tower-win64.zip 24 MB
Version v0.5 Jun 06, 2020

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